mega888 Stop Feeding Negative Entities with Fear and Anger

Stop Feeding Negative Entities with Fear and Anger

As you probably know, I have been traveling exgtensively once again, through a cool and rainy Europe (with a few warm sunny days here and there), while reading about the continuously escalating Earth changes in alternative news sites. Of course, the best news comes from my higher self and spirit guides, who confirm that things are in perfect Divine Order, despite appearances to the contrary.

A lot of souls on Earth are very attached to their current lifestyles and belief systems and are putting up a tremendous fight to keep from changing. In other words, there is a lot of resistance to the lightworkers and their vision of a New Earth. This has been anticipated, but still requires a lot of patience and perseverence.

There are those souls that are hell-bent (pun intended) on creating a third world war. Having recently been in Russia, I can assure you there are wonderful people there who want to create the new world, just like there are in every major country around the planet. Please forgive the constant reminders, but I feel they are necessary: WE MUST SEND LOVE AND COMPASSION TO ALL SOULS, especially world leaders who are caught in the vices of ego and lust for power and control.

We must also send love and compassion to those off-planet forces who seem to control and manipulate humanity from behind the scenes. If you want to get rid of them, stop feeding them with fear and anger. They thrive on those emotions. Sending them love and compassion deprives them of their food and they will go elsewhere, to a place where they can find fear and anger.

I get a lot of clients who complain of negative entities. STOP FEEDING THEM! Do whatever it takes to clear your anger and fear. Take a retreat in the mountains. Go to a health spa. Listen to beautiful music. See a therapist. Do not give them what they want. You do not owe them anything. You owe it to yourself to be kind, loving and compassionate with your own being first, and then share your love with others.

May God's healing blessings enfold you always and forever.

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New Workshops

My latest workshops include a detailed history of the cosmos, the Earth and your soul, plus practical techniques for ascension, including ways to keep a high vibration when you are around negativity. There will be a lot more emphasis on practical tools that can be applied to daily life. If spirituality is not a part of your everyday life, then you have not integrated yourself. There is no separation between Earth and heaven (unless you believe there is). Let's KNOW that we are bringing Heaven and Earth together.

Until next time, "bon voyage."

- Sal Rachele

Sal Rachele will visit Bulgaria once again from October 2nd through 26th and will offer lectures, workshops and private sessions in five Bulgarian cities: Sofia, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora, Burgas and Varna.

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