mega888 How Souls Evolve

How Souls Evolve

We are going to talk about soul evolution—how your souls evolve and what to expect as your souls evolve—and we are going to cover a few details and mechanics of your soul evolution.

Let us first review how souls come into embodiment and how they move between embodiments.

This universe is composed of 12 dimensions, and human beings are composed of 12 densities. Each of these levels has its own unique set of rules and principles that govern that specific realm of Creation. In addition, there are universal laws and principles that apply to all densities and dimensions simultaneously and we will go into some of that as well.

When you became individual souls, you emerged out of the God­head. You had a blueprint, a part of the Divine Plan already encoded within you. You had 12 densities already potentialized within you. You had an aspect of Self for each of the 12 densities of Creation and you were given codes and keys to enable you to perceive and experience each of the 12 densities.

An appropriate analogy is that of the sequoia tree, the largest living thing on your planet. The seeds of the sequoia are very small, about half the size of your little fingernail. Yet contained within each seed is the blueprint of the entire tree. As the seed germinates and grows, and the tree matures, different levels of unfoldment are triggered from the DNA codes and keys within the seed. You have the root system, the main branch, the smaller branches, the needles, the bark, and various defense mechanisms to keep the tree resistant to disease. All of these are activated at various stages of the tree's growth.

Returning to your discussion of soul evolution, the higher densities, what you call levels 8 through 12, are known as the collective consciousness realms. When you are in these densities, it is as if you are evolving back into the Godhead, but in reality there is no such thing because, using once again the analogy of a child being born, does the child grow up and try to get back into the mother's womb as he or she grows up? Hopefully not, as this would be a symptom of a severe psychological disorder.

And yet, as that child grows up, he or she becomes more and more like the biological parents. The child begins to look, think and talk more and more like them.

Therefore, as you evolve from 8th to 12th density, you become more and more like your Creator, like your Divine parents. Soul evolution in its natural state evolves upward from through the levellevels of individuality, which begins culminates in seventh density and culminates there after experiencing the lower densities (one through six). Seventh density is the level you were vibrating at when you were born as an individual soul.

You come into seventh density as an individual soul and normally begin evolving and growing through eighth, ninth, 10th, 11th and 12th densities. When you reach the level of 12th density, you become known as a Creator God. You are then able to create like your Divine parents. You become a god in your own right, capable of creating entire universes and, in fact, youdocreate universes. In God's one infinite Universe, are hundreds of thousands of other universes that are the creations of those aspects of the Godhead that have reached 12th density. As individual souls, many of those universes are available for you to explore.

So in other words, we are simply your elder brothers and sisters on the path, if you want to use that expression. (In actuality we are beyond gender. It is a meaningless idea to us, but it may have value to you.) As your elder brothers on the path, we have created many wonderful things for you to grow into and experience as you evolve towards us, as you evolve and expand your awareness. There is an infinite amount of universe available to explore, so you never have to be concerned with running out of things to experience, just as learning is a continuous process, even for us. You may think that as 12th density souls we have completed our learning. That is not so. Learning is an infinite process as is growing and evolving, and that is the beauty of it. That is the majesty of it.

Excerpt from the book "Earth Changes and Beyond" by Sal Rachele

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