"You are a powerful, unlimited, creative spiritual being living in the material world. This is your identity. "
"The most important aspect of being spiritually enlightened on this Earth involves your ability to come from the reference point of your God Self."
"Your spiritual Self is vast and your human self is tiny by comparison."
"Yet your human self is no less important than your spiritual Self because it is an integral part of that Self."
"Еvery thought you think, every feeling you have, and every action you perform, affects everything in the Universe in some way."
"Knowing when to intervene and when to let things run their course is one of the major spiritual lessons on the path."
"All of your spirit guides work hard to make sure they are providing the optimum level of support and encouragement."
"The biggest causes of energy drain are unresolved emotional issues and stressful lifestyles."
"Denial is the number one cause of turning to stimulants."
"Denial of anything takes a tremendous amount of energy."