mega888 The Illuminati and the New World Order

The Illuminati and the New World Order

The Orions, Sirians and Dracos, with their various alliances andrelated groups, have programmed the vast majority of humans to viewthemselves as helpless pawns, manipulated and controlled by a fewwealthy individuals who run the financial and political systems of theworld. These individuals, with their extreme lust for power and controlover others (as compensation for their deep-seated belief in guilt, sin andinadequacy), have been controlled from the mental and astral planes bythese extraterrestrial groups mentioned above, into establishing what theycall a New World Order, which really means a system whereby they canexert even greater manipulation and control.


For reasons given earlier, the ET groups themselves cannot openlyoperate on the surface of the planet except in rare cases and they do notwant to get caught in the various energies of the Earth plane, and so theyprefer to control humans through their thoughts, beliefs and astralenergetic patterns.

In some cases, they engage in full possession. In other words, theyattach themselves energetically to a particular human and then slowly (ornot so slowly) take over the consciousness of that soul. In reality, theypush aside the soul who originally belonged to that body and “walk in” tothe space vacated by that soul. In the book, “Soul Integration,” we go intogreat detail on the relationship between souls and bodies, and how thereare various levels of possession and soul transfer. For now, we will use thesimple idea that most world leaders are possessed or controlled bynegative extraterrestrials from the aforementioned star systems, eitherthrough soul transfer, soul-cohabitation or simple astral possession.

Originally the Illuminati was a group of enlightened souls who wishedto exert their influence in a positive way upon humanity. They were thevisionaries, seers, oracles, mystics, sages, priests, magicians, gurus,avatars, and learned professionals in philosophy, economics, politics,religion, etc.

They wanted to create a return to paradise based on higher Divineprinciples. They studied the occult sciences, metaphysics, cosmology,parapsychology and magic. Because they had not healed their OriginalCause issues and were not the masters of their egos, they let this sense ofpower that comes from having knowledge and wisdom go to their head.Being mostly head-oriented leaders, they ignored or overrode the heart(their centers of love and compassion). They developed their solar plexuschakra (the center of power and personal will) but did not have this powertempered with the love of the heart.

This imbalance led to identification with the ego, or at least failure torecognize when the ego began taking control. As the souls in theilluminated organizations rose in rank through the hierarchical structure,they began seeing themselves as better than those who had a lower rank.

This comparison and judgment was subtle at first, but eventually led toconflict and dissention within the ranks of each organization. Neverthelessthe leaders formed alliances and consolidated their power over thecommon people. One thing they all had in common was a disdain for theso-called “ordinary” soul. Believing themselves to be special, God’s“chosen ones,” they formed and passed laws that benefited and elevatedthemselves above the masses.


They used the principles of light and dark magic to control andmanipulate energy, and then used it against the unsuspecting souls whoheld the more minor positions of authority within the society (such aspolice, military subordinates, local government, academic teachers, etc.)

Dark magic requires a degree of secrecy in order to be effective (as isthe case in all dark systems, by definition). As soon as the light of truthshines upon a dark system, it begins to unravel. So the Illuminatimaintains its illusion of power through a network of secret societies, somewell known and some obscure.

One branch (covered earlier) is the Bavarian Illuminati, founded byAdam Weiskopf; another involves the Freemasons and their variousbranches. The mystery schools of ancient Egypt also played a part in theevolution of the Illuminati. Many luminaries were affiliated with multiplebranches of secret societies, including Manly P. Hall, Aleister Crowley,Helena Blavatsky, and others.

These souls were generally more light than dark, but still hadunresolved issues within themselves that made them prone to darkinfluences by the Orions, Sirians and Dracos.

- Excerpt from the book "The Real History of Earth" by Sal Rachele

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